Wacky Wednesday
Every Wednesday, 11am-1pm . . . a different activity each week . . . story time, yoga, Y on wheels, craft, etc. One FREE Ride and One Free Activity. Hot Dog, Chips and Juice for only $3.00. Come have fun with us and enjoy a couple of hours at the Carrousel with your Mom or...
Wacky Wednesday
Every Wednesday, 11am-1pm . . . a different activity each week . . . story time, yoga, Y on wheels, craft, etc. One FREE Ride and One Free Activity. Hot Dog, Chips and Juice for only $3.00. Come have fun with us and enjoy a couple of hours at the Carrousel with your Mom or...
Closed for The United States of America’s Birthday
In Honor of our Country, we are closed today. Celebrate with your family and friends. Be thankful that we live in this country.
Wacky Wednesday
Every Wednesday, 11am-1pm . . . a different activity each week . . . story time, yoga, Y on wheels, craft, etc. One FREE Ride and One Free Activity. Hot Dog, Chips and Juice for only $3.00. Come have fun with us and enjoy a couple of hours at the Carrousel with your Mom or...
First Friday Family Night
First Friday Events: 10am - 4pm: Rides as usual. 4pm - 7pm: Carrousel Diner open with Brats, Hot Dogs, Corn Dogs, Dessert, Strawberry Sundae, etc. for a nominal fee. 4pm - 8pm: Carrousel Rides are 5 rides for $2 . . . Tickets must be used tonight.
Half Priced Rides, and fun contests/activities
Richland Carrousel Park 75 N. Main St., Mansfield, Ohio, United StatesSaturday August 29th 11:00AM-5:00PM Contests: 2PM: CUTEST MASK 4PM: PERSON WITH THE MOST CHILDREN WITH THEM 6 Rides for only $3.00 and enjoy a fun activity. ½ priced rides. Gifts for 1st 30 children each day!!!
Half Priced Rides, and fun contests/activities
Richland Carrousel Park 75 N. Main St., Mansfield, Ohio, United StatesSunday August 30TH 11:00AM-5:00PM Contests: 2PM: CUTEST MASK 4PM: PERSON WITH THE MOST CHILDREN WITH THEM 6 Rides for only $3.00 and enjoy a fun activity. ½ priced rides. Gifts...
First Friday Special
Richland Carrousel Park 75 N. Main St., Mansfield, Ohio, United StatesFirst Friday Open: 11AM-8PM Carrousel Cafe Brats- $2.50 Hot Dogs- $1.50 Special- Hot Dog, Juice, Chips, Free ticket $3.00
First Friday – Halloween
Carrousel runs Backwards The carrousel will run backwards from 4-8pm on the second of October. Don't miss this unique opportunity to ride backwards! Wear a halloween costume and get a free ride!Halloween costume contest at 6 p.m.Come hungry, since there will be hotdogs and brats on the grill!