Wacky Wednesday
Every Wednesday, 11am-1pm . . . a different activity each week . . . story time, yoga, Y on wheels, craft, etc. One FREE Ride and One Free Activity. Hot Dog, Chips and Juice for only $3.00. Come have fun with us and enjoy a couple of hours at the Carrousel with your Mom or...
First Friday Family Night
First Friday Events: 10am - 4pm: Rides as usual. 4pm - 7pm: Carrousel Diner open with Brats, Hot Dogs, Corn Dogs, Dessert, Strawberry Sundae, etc. for a nominal fee. 4pm - 8pm: Carrousel Rides are 5 rides for $2 . . . Tickets must be used tonight.
Half Priced Rides, and fun contests/activities
Richland Carrousel Park 75 N. Main St., Mansfield, Ohio, United StatesSaturday August 29th 11:00AM-5:00PM Contests: 2PM: CUTEST MASK 4PM: PERSON WITH THE MOST CHILDREN WITH THEM 6 Rides for only $3.00 and enjoy a fun activity. ½ priced rides. Gifts for 1st 30 children each day!!!
Half Priced Rides, and fun contests/activities
Richland Carrousel Park 75 N. Main St., Mansfield, Ohio, United StatesSunday August 30TH 11:00AM-5:00PM Contests: 2PM: CUTEST MASK 4PM: PERSON WITH THE MOST CHILDREN WITH THEM 6 Rides for only $3.00 and enjoy a fun activity. ½ priced rides. Gifts...
First Friday Special
Richland Carrousel Park 75 N. Main St., Mansfield, Ohio, United StatesFirst Friday Open: 11AM-8PM Carrousel Cafe Brats- $2.50 Hot Dogs- $1.50 Special- Hot Dog, Juice, Chips, Free ticket $3.00
First Friday – Halloween
Carrousel runs Backwards The carrousel will run backwards from 4-8pm on the second of October. Don't miss this unique opportunity to ride backwards! Wear a halloween costume and get a free ride!Halloween costume contest at 6 p.m.Come hungry, since there will be hotdogs and brats on the grill!
First Friday
First Friday of November! Wear a Thanksgiving costume and get a FREE ride!! 6 Tickets for $3 First 20 kids at 4 pm get a prize Carrousel Cafe open: Combos starting at $3 +tax
Richland Gives Fundraiser
Richland Gives and MightyCause are holding a fundraiser for us! Every "Token" counts. This fundraiser helps us to raise money for repairs, cleaning, and running all of our fun events year after year! Please take a second and help our Horses keep running in circles!
Christmas Open House CANCELLED
25% off in Gift Shop (some exclusions) Photos with Santa: $5 from 1pm- 4pm Carrousel Cafe: Combos starting at $3+tax Tiny Tim opens Covid-19 Safe! Subject to change
Black Friday CANCELLED
DEEP DISCOUNTS in Gift Shop FREE coffee & cookie